Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Classic Invitation RSVP

Today's Warrior Woman Topic - The Classic Invitation RSVP

In the last six years, I've thrown about 50 parties of one kind or another including my own wedding, other people's bridal and baby showers, etc..  Some were house parties and others were held at restaurants.  Some were family only and others included friends and neighbors.  It never ceases to amaze me that people do not understand what an RSVP is!  RSVP actually stands for the French phrase, "répondez s'il vous plaît", meaning "please respond".  
So when you receive an invitation and it says RSVP by June 1st, it is a courtesy to the party host that you call them to tell them you will be attending.  I'm willing to bet that those people who don't reply to the host of a party HATE it when their guests don't RSVP for THEIR parties.  I hear that complaint all the time! 
Bottom line is, if you don't want to come, don't come.  But give me the courtesy of calling me to let me know so I don't spend money on extra favors, too much food, or get stuck paying for more dinners than I needed to.  Just some common courtesy would suffice.  Here are my tips for a proper and thoughtful RSVP.

- Call as soon as you receive the invitation if you are sure you can or cannot attend. Why wait?
- Don't call someone else other than the host to let them know you are coming.  People do this all the time.  They call my mom to tell her they are coming to my sister's shower that I am throwing.  Mom's name is not anywhere on the invite.  Why call her and expect her to pass the message along?
- Don't assume that the host will know that you are coming
- Don't assume that the host will know that you are not coming
- Don't miss the RSVP deadline.  It's there for a reason.  The host probably has to decide how much food to cook or how many dinners to pay for at some point.  If you call after the deadline, you probably just caused her some unneeded stress
- Don't wait till the last minute to see if a better offer comes along
- Don't be late to the party.  It makes people think that you would rathe rbe doing something else other than attending. 
- Don't feel bad about saying no
.  It's ok.  There will be other parties! 

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