Friday, June 11, 2010

The Awesome Hubs

With all this talk about fire and fighting and defending, I should explain that I am only able to go out and fight in the world because I have someone who ALWAYS has my back.  My husband and I have been friends for 14 years and together as a couple for 10 of those years.  He gets me.  That simple sentence means more than I could ever write or explain.  Not only does he get me in the sense that he understands what makes me tick, but he LIKES what makes me tick! 
He actually likes the fact that I am Warrior Woman by day and his to protect by night.  The duality in my personality endears me to him.  Strong on the outside but mushy on the inside is his thing and I am his. 
He's a pretty amazing person.  He's patient and kind and more than a little protective of me and our furbaby.  I think he fights his own battles all day but coming home to us makes it all worth while.  In a sense, he is my rock.  Did you ever play tag as a kid?  When you run around with everyone chasing you from all directions and all you want to do is get to "base" to catch your breath.  Base was usually a big oak tree or a car or some other large sturdy object where no one could tag you.  You were safe.  Well, the hubs is my "base" and I think I'm his. 
All becomes right in the world when I get a hug at night and I forget about the battles of the day.  He kisses the scrapes and reminds me of how awesome I am and I feel refreshed and ready to head out the next morning.  Behind (no... NEXT TO) every good Warrior Woman is a man strong enough to love her in spite of herself.  Even when the tip of the sword tilts toward him, he knows her and knows she is only fighting because she is hurting.  He knows he can heal her. 
He is awesome. 

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